Updates to Taxonomy section of the website

26.06.2015 05:31 - Esko Piirainen (updated: 26.06.2015 05:36)
More options for browsing our taxonomy have been made available. It is now possible to browse the taxonomy as a tree, or simply show a list of species under a certain taxonomic branch. It is possible to order the list in taxonomic or alphabetic order. Also you can switch to show only those species that have been marked as Finnish. Tagging Finnish species is however still being worked on by our experts - as is the case with all other information currently available. We are trying to clean the checklist to a state that it can be published. Same options are available also in the printable version of taxonomy. Downloading taxonomy also works, but we are still working on making all information available in the downloadable version. "Status of taxonmy" -table has also been improved. From the table it is possible to see the state of each branch (being worked or, ready) and whom have been named as experts of those taxonomic branches. This information is not completely up-to-date either. Animalia is in best shape at the moment.